Thursday 10 December 2009

Poor old Gordon

Poor old Gordon Brown,you really have to feel for the bloke.
His entire existence has revolved around high level Labour politics,firstly in Scotland,then in Londonand finally on the international stage. It is fitting that the word stage is used,since his performance since becoming PM has been remininscent of those silent movie stars who were found to have squeaky voices or a chronic inability to act,as opposed to mime.
Having,and I admit it,always been a fan of the man(I ripped up the party membership when Blair became leader,so I'm not ALWAYS wrong),I looked forward to him becoming PM,thinking that we might see a bit of socialism injected into the scene. Nope,plenty of social engineering,plenty of tinkering at the edges,but precious little socialism,as he tried to keep Murdoch and big business onside.

Well,lie down with dogs.....

So now that we realise that this government is a busted flush,the question has to be this the last Labour government that the UK is likely to see? The reason I ask is that it will take a long time for the wounds to heal for a great many people,but more importantly,the people of Scotland will not submit to Tory misrule like they had to 30 years ago. The Scots WILL demand to go their separate ways,and it WILL happen. Now I'm no Scots Nat, but I remember the Tories spiteful rule,and when Scotland is no longer returning Labour MPs to Westminster,that's it!

Get set for uninterrupted Tory govenment until hell freezes over,and for those of you with short memories,especially if you are guilty of voting for them,may God have mercy on your soul-chances are,you'll be seeing him a lot earlier than you think,unless you have private medical insurance!

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